About the Journal

International Journal of   Engineering, Science and Humanities is peer reviewed international journal. 

International Journal of   Engineering, Science and Humanities is an online journal launched to enhance the research capabilities in various upcoming fields in engineering, science (applied and medical) and humanities. The allotted ISSN no describes its genuineness to upgrade the caliber of upcoming generation and to increase interest in development of new projects.

The IJESH journal welcomes high quality original research papers, survey paper, review paper, tutorial, technical notes as well as the discussion papers. IJESH provides an outlet for research findings and reviews in areas of Engineering, Science and Humanities found to be relevant for national and international development.

The Journal Publishes Research Papers In The Fields Of Humanities such as Anthropology,Business Studies, Communication Studies, Corporate Governance, Criminology,Cross Cultural Studies, Demography, Development Studies, Economics, Education,Ethics, Geography, History, Industrial Relations, Information Science,International Relations, Law, Linguistics, Library Science, Media Studies,Methodology, Philosophy, Political Science, Population Studies, Psychology,Public Administration, Sociology, Social Welfare, Linguistics, Literature,Paralegal, Performing Arts (Music, Theatre & Dance), Religious Studies,Visual Arts, Women Studies and so  on..

IJESH publishes articles that emphasizes research, development and application within the fields of engineering, science and technology. All manuscripts are pre-reviewed by the editor, and if appropriate, sent for blind peer review. Contributions must be original, not previously or simultaneously published elsewhere, and are critically reviewed before they are published. Papers, which must be written in English, should have sound grammar and proper terminologies.

Current Issue

Vol. 14 No. 1 (2024)
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